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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Random acts of fun and function

Function #1: Find a Nanny/Home Care for Corbin

Do you see this precious little boy in this picture where he is truly filling his Daddy's shoes? Well, he needs someone to have fun with while Mommy is at work. I know I've mentioned it previously, but we're getting down to the wire and I've no idea what I'm going to do with Corbin. I'd like to either have someone come into our home or Corbin to go to a home care situation with some other kids his age. The time frame would be 8am - 6pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays and Wednesdays from Noon-6pm.

Our situation is out of the ordinary to say the least. We're not a cookie cutter, dual income home with a dog and Baby #2 on the way. We're different; not in a bad way, just different. So, here are my parameters: This person/home must be a Christian, a true caregiver at heart, sensitive to our situation and comfortable with our differences. I need someone that is dependable, on-time and eager to help in whatever way they can. If this person comes into our home, I need help with light cleaning (i.e. bathrooms and kitchen) and someone to do Corbin's laundry. I want Corbin to have fun, be loved and protected, to be encouraged to explore and also to spend time with Daddy. And, I need references.

So, if you are that person, home or know of someone or someplace in the Smyrna/Vinings area, PLEASE help! I also work in Sandy Springs, so that area may be an option as well.

Function #2: Golf Tournament

As you can see from the brochure picture, we've laid the foundation for the 3rd Chopper Classic. Registration is now open at and you can find more information about the tournament there.
Danny and I are so thankful for all that people do for us. This event is the only fundraising effort during the year and we're hoping to raise money to 1. Keep Danny in Beyond Therapy ($832.14 a week), 2. Pay for Corbin's Preschool and childcare, 3. Pay off remaining debts from furnishings and appliances for our new condo and 4. SAVE, SAVE, SAVE!
We understand that your donations mean all that much more during these crucial economic and political times and for that we're ever more grateful for your sacrifice to help us build our lives back up and prepare for our futures. God Bless you all for whatever you're led to give.
Should you not wish to play or sponsor, you can always donate at and click on "Donate Now." Thank you!

Function #3: Get Window Coverings

See this beautiful view? The windows straight ahead face west where we daily get the blessing of the sunset. While this is so beautiful, we also get the unfortunate heat from the sun pouring into our condo all afternoon raising our power bill each month.

I'd like to have 18" cornices built and installed over each section of windows (there are three including the one you can't see in the dining area) for which I already have the fabric. Then, I'd like solar shade to cover the western windows to help keep money in our pocketbook.

I have dealt with two interior decorators that truly have good hearts, but for their own personal reasons, have trouble in time management. While each have promised good deals, it's not such a good deal when I've been waiting since February and watching my electric bill rise. So, does anyone out there know of a good place, reasonably priced that can come finish my windows? I'm going to order/install the solar shades myself, but need the cornices built, covered and installed. My wallet appreciates it as does my new couch that I hope has not faded too much.

Now onto FUN!

Fun #1: Danny has a birthday!

Danny celebrated his 33rd birthday all week long, it seemed, but he does deserve it. Danny is a sushi fiend and so that is what he wanted on his birthday and for his birthday party.

We and a bunch of actively involved friends, ventured to Nagoya in Roswell for a very fun filled evening. The picture of Danny is perfect. It was so nice to see him laugh like that and have that sparkle in his eye that I haven't seen much over the past almost three years. It was a encouraging surprise to see this smile. Here are a few more pictures from the evening.

Geisha-Danny and Samurai-Corbin with the birthday cake. Oh, I'm there too.

And, Corbin cheering on our chef!

Fun #2: Parallel bars in the water

Danny recently started using parallel bars in the water at therapy. The pictures above were from his second day using them. He didn't do that great walking this day, but last Friday, he did an amazing job. It was something he had to get used to; stepping, sliding his hands and then shifting his weight to step again. He finally got the rhythm of it and did a great job especially since no one is holding onto him while he was doing this.

Also, I received an email from Candy last week with an update on Danny's progress. I've included two excerpts from it below:

"He took ~6 steps independently (w/bioness) with the right leg on Monday of this week. He actually completely cleared the ground with the foot and took GREAT steps before he fatigued."

"Also, I wanted to schedule time to work on car transfers with you all. I'm usually not in center on Fridays so I was wondering if you were available to come some other time during the week so that we could actually practice with your car?"

Okay, so the man took about six steps with the right leg! Now, to explain how quickly this has happened; On, Monday, July 7Th, Corbin and I went to see Danny gait (see previous blog entry) where he was able to initiate each step with his right leg. Basically, this means, he was picking up his right heel but needed help to pull the leg through. On Friday, July 18Th, I was able to see Danny gait with the Argo again. At that time, he was able to pull his right leg even to his left and now, on July 21st he is pulling his leg all the way through. I'd say that out of every improvement, this seems to be the quickest. Isn't that great?

And now, to actually be able to schedule working on transfers in/out of my car! I know Danny is really looking forward to it and I'll be sure to let you all know when that is going to happen. I'll probably video and take pictures so expect those at some point too.

Keep praying for Danny's improvement, specifically his upper body and it's muscles to engage. Danny's upper body control is the biggest factor that is preventing him from more independence. He can have all the leg strength in the world, but if he doesn't have any core stability, he isn't going to walk.

Also, please pray for his mind and attitude. This defeated view that he perceives is a daily battle to overcome and work through.

I know this has been a long post and I apologize for taking up so much time, but there were so many important issues to share and good news too.

Remember to pray for childcare for Corbin, golf tournament/donations, help with windows and to praise for the progress Danny is making.

We love you all! Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

ashelywilson said...

Hey Allison,

It's Ashley Wilson and for the nanny thing: my church Trinity Vineyard, I know you've been tehre before, but we have a bulletin board and you can post something on there. There are a lot of females who are nannies so maybe you can see if someone fits for you guys.